Chile to Kili

Chile to Kili is the brainchild of Elvis Munis, a Tanzanian student who is riding around the world by bicycle in hopes of raising $100,000 to help send 10 Tanzanian students to school with a focus on conservation. I got wind of this via Tucson Velo, as Elvis was in Tucson giving a presentation yesterday, which unfortunately I did not make it to. Elvis started his unsupported journey in Chile, and he is riding all the way back to the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro near his home. If you want to donate to the cause, the Conservation Resource Center that Elvis is supporting is a 501(3)(c) registered in the U.S. Check out this video about Elvis below and help spread the word!

Chile to Kili: Driving change from the seat of a bicycle from ConserVentures on Vimeo.

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