Detroit Bike City

There are plenty of videos about cities like Portland, New York, Los Angeles, and others that highlight all of the great new bicycle infrastructure improvements, community cycling events, and much more that are going on all of the time. But what about a place like Detroit? Cities like Detroit, which has little bicycle infrastructure, rarely get much screen time or press. In fact, Detroit is well known as the “Motor City” of the United States, and it is now considered a city that is in horrible decline.

However, this awesome video by Alex Gallegos would suggest otherwise. Detroit is very much alive and well, and it can say as much, in part, thanks to the bicycle and bicycling culture that is developing throughout the city. Detroit is being re-imagined and re-invented as a vibrant, healthy city with strong community. So “Ride On!” Detroit!

Detroit Bike City from Alex Gallegos on Vimeo.

Via Grist.

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